You Can Hit (and Even Exceed) Your Sales Goals in a Shifting Market…Here’s How


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Meet Angela

I’m Angela Kristen Taylor and the founder of Integrative Productivity Coaching and the Productive Flow Method.

I guide purpose-driven entrepreneurs to master their personal productive flow so they can stop living in chaos and achieve ultimate security and freedom.

You Can Hit (and Even Exceed) Your Sales Goals in a Shifting Market…Here’s How

You Can Hit (and Even Exceed) Your Sales Goals in a Shifting Market…Here’s How

As the market slows down, fear kicks in for many entrepreneurs. Will you still be able to pay your bills and reach your sales goals if a recession hits or are you headed for failure?

In some of the most devastating market shifts, there are people who see and seize opportunities and thrive while everyone else either struggles through until it improves or ditches their industry entirely and starts over in a new career. 

How do you get on the right side of this divide? What steps can you take to still generate business when things shift? 

In this episode, I’m sharing how to work ahead of the market, anticipate what’s coming and shift with it.

Watch the Full Episode:

"Approach a shifting market in a really positive way so you can be one of the people who thrives in your industry, not the ones who drop out and ditch."

Angela Kristen Taylor

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

Why market conditions don’t determine our success
What stories do we need to stop telling ourselves about a shifting market if we want to find the opportunities in it? 

Ways we can provide value to our buyers
How do you provide an affordable service without discounting your high ticket offerings?

The best mindset for a shifting market
Does fear repel opportunity and actually make it harder to get more sales?

Watch the Shift Your Sales training here