Human Design & Copywriting: How to Align Your Marketing Messaging with Your Authentic Self with Rachael Weaver


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Meet Angela

I’m Angela Kristen Taylor and the founder of Integrative Productivity Coaching and the Productive Flow Method.

I guide purpose-driven entrepreneurs to master their personal productive flow so they can stop living in chaos and achieve ultimate security and freedom.

Human Design & Copywriting: How to Align Your Marketing Messaging with Your Authentic Self with Rachael Weaver

Human Design & Copywriting: How to Align Your Marketing Messaging with Your Authentic Self with Rachael Weaver

A lot of entrepreneurs struggle to put themselves out there because they carry a lot of feelings of unworthiness. When we get past the trauma and really tap into who we are, marketing gets easier. 

This is what Human Design does – it opens the floodgates of creativity, and makes the words we need to market ourselves flow freely. So what results can we expect from combining Human Design and copywriting? 

In this episode, soul-aligned messaging coach, and creator of the Copy By Design™ Process, Rachael Weaver shares how we can become more productive and effective at marketing ourselves and attracting our ideal clients.

Watch the Full Episode:

"If you’re not lit up and excited to even talk about what you do, it’s going to be really hard to create content."

Rachael Weaver

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

The link between self-worth and marketing
How does our copy reveal how we truly feel about ourselves and our work?

Why entrepreneurs struggle to write really great copy
When you hide a big portion of who you are, you end up putting up a facade or sharing very general information. How do we open up and show our true selves in our marketing? 

The first step to feeling good about marketing yourself
What is the Human Design Process and how does it simplify copywriting?


Guest Bio 

Rachael Weaver is a soul-aligned messaging coach, and creator of the Copy By Design™ Process. She combines Human Design and conversion copywriting. Your Human Design energetic blueprint holds the Divine codes to attracting clients with ease, writing words that empower change, and create the positive shifts we know the planet needs. 

By unblocking your Aura at the foundation and creating copy from your essence you will ALWAYS know how to talk about what you do in a way that magnetizes abundance. 

For more information, visit and follow @iamrachaelweaver on Instagram.