Is Your Environment Adding to Your Productivity or Disrupting it? with Moni Castaneda


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I’m Angela Kristen Taylor and the founder of Integrative Productivity Coaching and the Productive Flow Method.

I guide purpose-driven entrepreneurs to master their personal productive flow so they can stop living in chaos and achieve ultimate security and freedom.

Is Your Environment Adding to Your Productivity or Disrupting it? with Moni Castaneda

Is Your Environment Adding to Your Productivity or Disrupting it? with Moni Castaneda

In the world of productivity, our surroundings have a lot to do with our state of being. Even with the best intentions, affirmations and habits, you can’t compete with the energy your home puts out and what each room, nook and cranny is saying. 

How do you know if your environment is at war with the way you want to feel in your home?  

Feng Shui is a way for us to create alignment between the energy in our spaces, and the key areas that drive us in our lives, but it can be overwhelming. 

What are the key Feng Shui principles we need to implement in our homes? In this episode, Feng Shui consultant, speaker and author, Moni Castaneda shares how we can encourage productivity and balance in our spaces.


Watch the Full Episode:

"We affect our homes and our homes have an effect on us too. The feedback you get from your home is more powerful than the affirmations you say for yourself."

Moni Castaneda

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

The link between our homes and our energy
Is our environment supporting the life we want to live or fighting against us?

Why so many Feng Shui homes look odd and out of place
How do we create a harmonious balance between what’s good for the room, the life area and what we actually like?

How to encourage productivity and fun in your space
What are the important Feng Shui principles we need to bring into our homes?


Guest Bio 

Moni Castaneda is a Feng Shui consultant, speaker and author. She provides clients with a system to turn their homes into dream homes where they can be happy with the people they love. 

The step-by-step system she created combines Feng Shui, Modern Architecture and Alternative Healing, and it gives people the power to transform their homes while they transform their lives to be happier, healthier, and wealthier. 

Moni helps you create a life you love in a home you are proud to show. 

For more information, visit, get access to her free resources here.